Articles de revue
Descary G., Thouin É., Olivier E., Dupéré V., Dion E., Archambault I., Lacourse É.
Le décrochage scolaire est-il contagieux ? Exploration du rôle des amis, des partenaires amoureux et de la fratrie.
Revue des sciences de l'éducation,
Articles de revue
Dupéré V., Dion E., Cantin S., Archambault I., Lacourse É.
Social contagion and high school dropout : The role of friends, romantic partners, and siblings..
Journal of Educational Psychology,
Articles de revue
Thompson J., Fraser S., Archambault I., Beauregard N., Dupéré V., Frohlick K.
Schooling, Interrupted: A Critical Account of Motivation and Education During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Quebec.
Journal of Teaching and Learning (JTL),
Articles de revue
Archambault I., Pascal S., Tardif-Grenier K., Dupéré V., Janosz M., Parent S., Pagani L.
The contribution of teacher structure, involvement, and autonomy support on student engagement in low-income elementary schools.
Teachers and Teaching,
Article de magazine
Dupéré V., Archambault I., Tardif-Grenier K.
Knowledge loss during school interruptions.
Réseau réussite Montréal (site internet)
Articles de revue
McCabe J., Dupéré V., Dion E., Thouin É., Archambault I., Dufour S., Denault A., Leventhal T., Crosnoe R.
Why do extracurricular activities prevent dropout more effectively in some high schools than in others? A mixed-method examination of organizational dynamics.
Applied Developmental Science,
Articles de revue
Olivier E., Archambault I., Dupéré V.
Do needs for competence and relatedness mediate the risk of low engagement of students with behavior and social problem profiles?.
Learning and Individual Differences,
Articles de revue
Thouin É., Dupéré V., Dion E., McCabe J., Denault A., Archambault I., Brière F., Leventhal T., Crosnoe R.
School-based extracurricular activity involvement and high school dropout among at-risk students: Consistency matters.
Applied Developmental Science,
Chapitre de livre
Lessard A., Archambault I., Dupéré V., Massé L., Desbiens N., Lanaris C.
La prévention du décrochage scolaire.
Les troubles de comportement à l’école : prévention, évaluation et intervention
, Montréal, Canada
: Gaëtan Morin
Articles de revue
Afia K., Dion E., Dupéré V., Archambault I., Toste J.
Parenting practices during middle adolescence and high school dropout.
Journal of Adolescence,
Chapitre de livre
Archambault I., Janosz M., Goulet M., Dupéré V., Gilbert-Blanchard O.
Promoting Student Engagement From Childhood to Adolescence as a Way to Improve Positive Youth Development and School Completion.
Handbook of Student Engagement Interventions - Working with Disengaged Students
( p.13-29 )
: Academic Press
. Disponible:
Chapitre de livre
Brault M., Dupéré V., Janosz M., Pascal S., Archambault I., Yerg N.
A Multilevel Analysis of Student School Misconduct in High Schools: Investigating the Role of School Socioeconomic Composition and Teacher Culture in Montréal.
Resisting Education: A Cross-National Study on Systems and School Effects
( p.155-175 )
: Springer
. Disponible:
Dupéré V., Archambault I., Desrosiers H., Nanhou V.
Obtenir un diplôme avant l’âge de 20 ans : une analyse ancrée dans une perspective des parcours de vie.
Je suis, je serai - L'étude sur l'avenir d'une génération
Institut de la statistique du Québec.
Articles de revue
Lavoie L., Dupéré V., Dion E., Crosnoe R., Lacourse É., Archambault I.
Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Exposure to Stressful Life Events and Differential Links to Impaired School Functioning.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,
Dupéré V., Dion E., Leventhal T., Archambault I., Crosnoe R., Janosz M.
Is Dropping out of High School More Likely after Stressful Life Events?.
University of Texas at Austin.
Articles de revue
Dupéré V., Dion E., Nault-Brière F., Archambault I., Leventhal T., Lesage A.
Revisiting the Link Between Depression Symptoms and High School Dropout: Timing of Exposure Matters.
Journal of Adolescent Health,
Articles de revue
Olivier E., Archambault I., Dupéré V.
Boys' and girls' latent profiles of behavior and social adjustment in school: Longitudinal links with later student behavioral engagement and academic achievement?.
Journal of School Psychology,
Articles de revue
Archambault I., Dupéré V.
Joint trajectories of behavioral, affective, and cognitive engagement in elementary school.
The Journal of Educational Research,
Articles de revue
Archambault I., Janosz M., Dupéré V., Brault M., McAndrew M.
Individual, social, and family factors associated with high school dropout among low-SES youth: Differential effects as a function of immigrant status.
British Journal of Educational Psychology,
Articles de revue
Dupéré V., Leventhal T., Dion E., Crosnoe R., Archambault I., Janosz M.
Stressors and Turning Points in High School and Dropout: A Stress Process, Life Course Framework.
Review of Educational Research,
Articles de revue
Gagnon V., Dupéré V., Dion E., Léveillé F., St-Pierre M., Archambault I., Janosz M.
Dépistage du décrochage scolaire à l’aide d’informations administratives ou auto-rapportées.
Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement,
Archambault I., Tardif-Grenier K., Dupéré V., Janosz M., McAndrew M., Pagani L., Parent S.
Étude comparative de l’engagement scolaire des élèves de milieux défavorisés issus ou non de l’immigration: contributions de l’environnement scolaire et des pratiques enseignantes.
Programme actions concertées
Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC).