A Multilevel Analysis of Student School Misconduct in High Schools: Investigating the Role of School Socioeconomic Composition and Teacher Culture in Montréal

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2019 )

Titre du livre: Resisting Education: A Cross-National Study on Systems and School Effects

Éditeur: Springer


Intervalle de pages: 155-175

URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-04227-1_8

Résumé: Student misconduct in school, one dimension of behavioral disengagement, is negatively associated with academic achievement and figures among risk factors for school dropout. Previous research on school-level determinants of school misconduct have suggested an unequal distribution across schools, with students from low socioeconomic status (SES) schools reporting higher behavioral disengagement than their counterparts in more advantaged schools. The goal of this chapter is to test whether the relationship between school socioeconomic composition and school misconduct depends on the role of teachers’ culture, e.g. the collective perceptions that teachers in a same school hold of their students learning capabilities. Using multilevel analysis of grade 10 students (n = 2654) nested within schools (n = 29) located in the city of Montréal (Canada), the current project showed that less than 5% of the variance of school misconduct lied between schools. School-deviant behaviors were greater in disadvantaged schools, but students in these schools showed lower levels of school-deviancy when teachers set high expectations of them and the overall teacher culture is positive.

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