Teaching Practices that Promote the Development of Reading Skills in Inclusive Secondary Schools

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2019 )

Titre du livre: From Reading-Writing Research to Practice

Éditeur: ISTE

Lieu: Londres, Royaume-Uni


Intervalle de pages: 73–88

Résumé: This chapter focuses on teaching practices in an inclusive education context and on those most likely to promote the development of literacy skills, taking into account the diversity of secondary school students. Reading and writing remain the foundations of learning in all school subjects, and their proficiency is an essential condition for successful social and professional integration, especially for secondary students. In order to master reading in an inclusive context, effective practices or approaches are discussed in language teaching contexts (and not in a second or foreign language). In other words, the practices identified are those where the teaching of subject content (e.g. French/English, mathematics, history, etc.) is done in the language of instruction. The authors have identified 15 scientific texts on reading instruction practices. The synthesis of knowledge on this subject in an inclusive secondary school context highlights teaching practices from nine identified scientific articles and six theses.

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