I have MY IEP! Supporting students with behavioural challenges in structuring an Indivdualized Education Plan. Presentation of the Toolkit



État de publication: publié

Type de rapport:

Institution: Faculté des sciences de l'Éducation, Université Laval

URL: https://www.fse.ulaval.ca/fichiers/site_recherche_ng_v2/documents/I_have_my_IEP_/More_than_one_actor/0_all_or_no_phase/I_have_MY_IEP_Presentation_of_the_Toolkit.pdf

Résumé: The “I have my IEP!” tool kit comprises training materials and IEP planning materials that are specifically designed for each and every category of person involved in IEP management. Each item in the tool kit has been designed in accordance with student age groups and degrees of self-determination (when relevant). There are also clear indicators of who should interact with each document and when.