Charles E., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Zhang C., Adams R., Whittaker C., Lasry N.
Role of Epistemic Artifacts for Engaging in Collaborative Learning.
3rd Annual Meeting of International Society of the Learning Sciences, Montréal, Canada.
Article de colloque
Laroche K., Charles E., Dugdale M., Adams R., Cormier C., Hughes S., Lenton K., Turcotte V., Zhang C.
Designing Inquiry Based Labs for College-level Biology Students.
3rd Annual Meeting of International Society of the Learning Sciences
Montréal, Canada: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Article de colloque
Cormier M., Hughes S., Laroche K., Turcotte V., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Adams R., Charles E.
A community of practice to bridge research and practice in science education.
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of International Society of the Learning Sciences
Montréal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Articles de revue
Charles E., Lenton K., Dugdale M., Lasry N., Zhang C., Whittaker C., Adams R.
La participation d’étudiantes et d’étudiants en classe d’apprentissage actif vue à travers leurs artefacts épistémiques physiques.
Revue internationale du CRIRES: innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky/CRI_SAS international Journal: Vygotsky's Heritage: Innovation in Education,
Articles de revue
Charles E., Lenton K., Adams R., Dugdale M., Hughes S., Laroche K., Cormier C., Turcotte V., Zhang C.
Successfully implementing inquiry-based labs: a case study for a college waves and modern physics course.
Optics Education and Outreach VII,
Article de colloque
Charles E., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Zhang C., Adams R.
Dear Pat: The role of error detection problems for learning effective peer feedback.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning-CSCL 2022
(p.234-241).Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Chapitre de livre
Charles E., Slotta J., Cassidy R., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Zhang C., Lund K., Niccolai G., Lavoué E., Hmelo-Silver C., Gweon G., Baker M.
How Teachers Implement Active Learning: Typologies of orchestrational flow.
A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
( vol.1 p.448-455 )
, Lyon, France
: International Society of the Learning Sciences
. Disponible:
Article de colloque
Adams R., Jackson P., Lenton K., Dugdale M., Whittaker C., Lasry N., Charles E.
Error detection tasks and peer feedback for engaging physics students.
Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019
(p.10).: SPIE.
Chapitre de livre
Lenton K., Charles E., Dugdale M., Whittaker C., Lasry N., Kay J., Luckin R.
A Geopositioning View of Teachers’ Orchestration in Active Learning Classrooms: Following teachers’ location within the classroom.
Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018
( vol.1 p.1651-1652 )
, Londres, Royaume-Uni
: International Society for Technology in Education
. Disponible:
Chapitre de livre
Lasry N., Dugdale M., Charles E., Whittaker C., Lenton K., Smith B., Borge M., Mercier E., Lim K.
Go GRASP: A Mobile Application to Facilitate Orchestration in Active Learning Classrooms.
Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2017
( vol.2 p.811-812 )
, Philadelphie, États-Unis
: International Society of the Learning Sciences
. Disponible:
Articles de revue
Lasry N., Guillemette J., Dugdale M., Charles E., Mazurek E.
Peut-on apprendre sans désapprendre?.
Pédagogie Collégiale,
Articles de revue
Charles E., Lasry N., Whittaker C., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Bhatnagar S.
Is active learning possible outside the classroom?.
Pédagogie Collégiale,
Articles de revue
Charles E., Lasry N., Whittaker C., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Bhatnagar S.
L’apprentissage actif hors de la classe, est-ce possible?.
Pédagogie collégiale,
Chapitre de livre
Charles E., Lasry N., Whittaker C., Dugdale M., Lenton K., Bhatnagar S., Guillemette J., Lindwall O., Häkkinen P., Koschman T., Tchounikine P., Ludvigsen S.
Beyond and Within Classroom Walls: Designing principled pedagogical tools for students and faculty uptake.
Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015
( vol.1 p.292-299 )
, Gothenburg, Suède
: International Society of the Learning Sciences
. Disponible:
Articles de revue
Lasry N., Dugdale M., Charles E.
Zut ! J'ai renversé ma pédagogie.
Pédagogie collégiale,
Articles de revue
Lasry N., Dugdale M., Charles E.
Just in time to flip your classroom.
The Physics Teacher,