Fundamental Practices in Individualized Education Plan Implementation

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2024 )

Nom de la revue: La foucade

Intervalle de pages: 35-37


Résumé: In Quebec, section 96.14 of the Education Act requires that an In- dividualized Education Plan (IEP) be implemented for each and ev- ery student who has a disability, a learning difficulty or is experiencing social, emotional, or behavioural challenges (Gov. of Quebec, 2021a). IEPs are to be designed coopera- tively involving parents, the student, school staff members and other par- ties (where appropriate, depending on a student’s situation), and pe- riodically reviewed. All parties are then expected to follow the chosen measures, strategies and methods documented within it. IEP design must comply with procedures and stipulations outlined in the relevant School Service Centre (SSC)’s or School Board’s policy on education- al service delivery for students with disabilities, learning difficulties and social maladjustments. In addition, in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Basic School Regulation for Preschool, Elementary and Second- ary Education, the SSC must set up a student assistance program aimed specifically at supporting such stu- dents in their academic journey and at seeking solutions to any chal- lenges they may encounter (Gov. of Quebec, 2021b). This is where the IEP process really comes into play. In this respect, Article 29 of the Basic School Regulation stipulates that school staff must communicate at least once a month with any par- ents whose children have IEPs or parents whose children may not end up meeting the program require- ments. While there is a legislative framework for IEP creation, imple- mentation and assessment, how do we then acquaint ourselves with the optimal conditions and key prac- tices that need to be put in place in order to keep the IEP function- ing pro-actively and to encourage communication between the various parties involved ?

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