Fostering Student Self-Determination to Improve Achievement ?

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: La Foucade

Intervalle de pages: 10-12


Résumé: As teachers, it is our duty to “[...] instill a desire to learn into each student who has been entrusted to [us]” (Quebec Education Act, Article 22). The accomplishment of this duty can be very closely linked to the de- velopment of a student’s self-deter- mination – a concept which is gen- erally understood as an amalgam of knowledge, skillsets and beliefs that together aid us in making our own choices and decisions, setting and working towards our own goals, ful- filling our own needs – all freely of our own volition and without being told exactly what to think or do (e.g. by parents, teachers, friends) (Ryan & Deci, 2017). By fostering a stu- dents’ self-determination, teachers acknowledge that the students are capable decision-makers, that they are able to take charge and be (or become) independent – all of which encourages students to thrive and seek their full potential. Self-deter- mination is hence a very powerful tool when it comes to successful ed- ucational outcomes. In this article, we will describe some self-deter- mined behaviours and examine why they are essential building blocks to student self-determination at any age. Lastly, some concrete tips will be provided on how to support self-determination in students on a day-to-day basis.

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