Learning in and across sites of a research-practice partnership



État de publication: publié

Type de présentation: Roundtable Session: Listening to Students: A Cultural Historical Perspective on Teacher Development

Nom de la rencontre: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Lieu: New York, États-Unis

URL: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera18/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1319307&PHPSESSID=9vvrrgp60ev9g8841579cm71b3

Résumé: The purpose of this paper is to present analyses of learning taking place in four professional learning communities (PLCs) sharing a common objective but at different stages of development and in different contexts. The PLCs are taking place in a research-practice partnership, and we investigate the learning potential for all participants: teachers, pedagogical consultants, and researchers. The research questions guiding our investigation are: (a) What are the manifestations of learning in PLCs’ collaborative conversations? and (b) How can learning in one PLC provide scaffolds for the learning in other PLCs. Emerging results point to mediating tools, roles, and actions that can be used to ensure that the object of co-design and reflection activities continues to expand across these activity systems.