Chapitre de livre
Lamon M., Laferrière T., Breuleux A., Resta P.
Networked communities.
Teacher development in an e-learning age: A policy and planning guide
( p.1-21 )
, Paris, France
: Les Éditions UNESCO
. Disponible:
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P.
Section Introduction: Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
( p.283-286 )
, New York, États-Unis
: Springer International Handbooks of Education
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Laferrière T., McLaughlin R., Kouraogo A., Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai K.
Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity: An Overview.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
: Springer
. Disponible:
Laferrière T., Resta P.
(2016 , Janvier).
The changing landscape of the global digital divide: Opportunities and challenges for teacher education.
Annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Savannah, États-Unis.
Laferrière T., Resta P., McLaughlin R., Jordi Vivancos J., Gisbert M.
(2016 , Janvier).
Round table on digital equality.
Fourth Biennial International Conference Innovation in Teacher Education within a Global Context. World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE), Barcelona, Espagne.
Articles de revue
Passey D., Laferrière T., Ahmad M., Bhowmik M., Gross D., Price J., Resta P., Shonfeld M.
Educational Digital Technologies in Developing Countries Challenge Third Party Providers.
Educational Technology & Society,
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Laferrière T., Spector M.
Collaborative learning with technology.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
( p.131-137 )
, Thousand Islands
: Sage Publications
Articles de revue
Resta P., Laferrière T.
Digital equity and intercultural education.
Education and Information Technology,
doi: 10.1007/s10639-015-9419-z.
Article de colloque
Voogt J., Knezek G., Khaddage F., Laferrière T., Resta P., Albion P., Mishra P., Fisser P., Searson M., Spector M., Lai K., Gibson D.
Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All.
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015
(p.1312-1314).Chesapeake, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Shonfeld M., Resta P., Baguma R., Goerke V., Kickett M., Pelliccione L., Wall T., Hoffman J., Price J., Saunand S., Cranmer S., Passey D., Yuen A., Kouraogo A., Bhowmik M., Thibault É., Bodj M., Yazbak M., Gross D.
Working Group 4: Addressing gaps and promoting educational equity.
EDUsummIT 2015
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Passey D., Ahmad M., Price J., Gross D., Shonfeld M., Resta P., Bhowmik M., Park J.
Addressing gaps and promoting educational equity.
Technology advanced quality learning for all: EDUsummIT 2015 Summary report
( p.29-33 )
: EDUsummIT
. Disponible:
Resta P., Laferrière T.
Working Group 4: Digital equity and intercultural education. EDUsummIT: International Summit on ICT in Education.
Voogt J., Knezek G., Laferrière T., Christensen R., Resta P., Riel M., Davis N.
(2009 , Janvier).
Implementation of information technology in education: Challenges for teachers & teacher education.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du congrès annuel de la Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Charleston, États-Unis.
Article de colloque
Resta P., Patru M., Breuleux A., Laferrière T., Davis N.
Engaging the conversation with stakeholders on an expansive definition of e-learning.
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference
(p.2470-2474).Chesapeake, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Plomp T., Voogt J., Collis B., Cox M., Resta P., Laferrière T.
(2008 , Janvier).
Implementation of information technology in primary and secondary education: Emerging issues.
Communication présentée dans le cadre de la European Conference on Educational Research, Goteberg, Suède.
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P., Voogt J., Knezek G.
IT and the digital divide.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
( p.763-765 )
: Springer Publishing
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Laferrière T., Voogt J., Knezek G.
Issues and challenges related to digital equity.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
( p.765-778 )
: Springer Publishing
Article de colloque
Resta P., Laferrière T., Breuleux A., Davis N.
Global Perspectives on Trends, Issues and Challenges in E-Learning for Teacher Development.
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education
(p.2234-2240).Californie, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Articles de revue
Resta P., Laferrière T.
Technology in Support of Collaborative Learning.
Educational Psychology Review,
doi: 10.1007/s10648-007-9042-7.
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Resta P.
The Changing Landscape of the Global Digital Divide: Opportunities and Challenges for Teacher Education.
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference
(p.752-757).Chesapeake, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Resta P.
IT and the Digital Divide Section.
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference
(p.1981-1986).Chesapeake, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Article de colloque
Voogt J., Knezek G., Laferrière T., Resta P., Norris C., Soloway E., Plomp T.
Information technology in education worldwide, Part 2.
Laferrière T., Lamon M., Resta P., Breuleux A.
(2005 , Janvier).
Effective Applications of E-Learning in Teacher Development.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du Congrès annuel de l'American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montréal, Canada.
Lamon M., Laferrière T., Resta P., Wu D., Prevanas M., Barber M.
(2005 , Janvier).
Innovations in Teacher Development for the Knowledge Age.
Communication présentée dans le cadre de la 10e Computer-supported collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference, Taipei, Taïwan.
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P., Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai K.
Overview of the digital equity section.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
, New York, États-Unis
: Springer
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Lamon M., Breuleux A.
Blended learning environments.
Teacher development in an e-learning age: A policy and planning guide
, Paris, France
: Les Éditions UNESCO
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Lamon M., Laferrière T., Resta P.
Essential conditions for e-learning in teacher development.
Teacher development in an e-learning age: A policy and planning guide
, Paris, France
: Les Éditions UNESCO