Chapitre de livre
Barma S., Christensen R., Drossel K., Knezek G., Mukama E., Starkey L., Nleya P., Fisser P., Phillips M.
Advancing Conceptual Models of Technology Integration in Education: Implications for Researchers, Practitioners and Policymakers (Thematic Working Group 9).
Learners and learning contexts: New alignments for the digital
: EDUsummIT
. Disponible:
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P.
Section Introduction: Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
( p.283-286 )
, New York, États-Unis
: Springer International Handbooks of Education
Chapitre de livre
Ntebutse J., Collin S., Voogt J., Knezek G.
A Sociocritical Perspective on the Integration of Digital Technology in Education.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
( p.1015-1024 )
, New York, États-Unis
: Springer International Handbooks of Education
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Laferrière T., McLaughlin R., Kouraogo A., Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai K.
Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity: An Overview.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
: Springer
. Disponible:
Article de colloque
Niederhauser D., Mishra P., Agyei D., Cox M., Howard S., Laferrière T., Schrum L., Tondeur J., Voogt J.
Supporting sustainability and scalability in educational technology initiatives: Research informed practice.
Rethinking learning in a digital age: Edusummit 2017 Summary Reports
(p.71-76).Borovets, Bulgarie: UNESCO.
Chapitre de livre
Lewin C., Lai K., van Bergen H., Charania A., Khaddage F., Ntebutse J., Ogata H., Sherman R., Smith D., Quinn B., Lai K., Voogt J., Knezek G.
Informal learning with technology .
Rethinking learning in a digital age
( p.27-32 )
, Borovets, Bulgarie
: EDUsummIT 2017
. Disponible:
Laferrière T., Voogt J., Knezek G., undefined .
(2016 , Janvier).
A two-hour symposium: Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All: The EDUsummIT 2015 Call to Action.
Annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Savannah, États-Unis.
Article de colloque
Voogt J., Knezek G., Laferrière T., undefined .
A two-hour symposium: Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All: The EDUsummIT2015 Call to Action.
Savannah, États-Unis.
Article de colloque
Voogt J., Knezek G., Khaddage F., Laferrière T., Resta P., Albion P., Mishra P., Fisser P., Searson M., Spector M., Lai K., Gibson D.
Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All.
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015
(p.1312-1314).Chesapeake, États-Unis: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Voogt J., Knezek G., Laferrière T., Christensen R., Resta P., Riel M., Davis N.
(2009 , Janvier).
Implementation of information technology in education: Challenges for teachers & teacher education.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du congrès annuel de la Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Charleston, États-Unis.
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P., Voogt J., Knezek G.
IT and the digital divide.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
( p.763-765 )
: Springer Publishing
Chapitre de livre
Resta P., Laferrière T., Voogt J., Knezek G.
Issues and challenges related to digital equity.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
( p.765-778 )
: Springer Publishing
Article de colloque
Voogt J., Knezek G., Laferrière T., Resta P., Norris C., Soloway E., Plomp T.
Information technology in education worldwide, Part 2.
Chapitre de livre
Ntebutse J., Collin S., Voogt J., Knezek G.
A socio-critical perspective on the integration of digital technologies in education.
Handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education
: Springer
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Resta P., Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai K.
Overview of the digital equity section.
International handbook of information technology in elementary and secondary education
, New York, États-Unis
: Springer