Transition to adulthood of youth with disabilities: Mapping declared practices to recommended practices.

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2024 )

Nom de la revue: Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs

Intervalle de pages: 1-13


Résumé: Positive transition to adulthood of youth with disabilities is influenced by the type of support they receive. This study aims to analyse current transition to adulthood practices in the province of Quebec to map them to recommended practices and present an overview of the situation and needs. A multiple case study methodology included focus groups in six schools with 65 participants as well as internet searches and interviews with experts. A thematic analysis within and across cases was used. Results underscore the best practices in place concerning student-focused planning, student development, interagency collaboration and family engagement. They also highlight youths' and parents' opinions about strategies to better support transition. While inspiring practices are present, further efforts with regards to programme structures are required to ensure adequate support for transition to adulthood.

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