One step ahead of disinformation: Capacitating our youth to withstand deepfakers before it targets them

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: Apprendre et enseigner aujourd’hui. La revue du conseil pédagogique interdisciplinaire du Québec

Volume: 11

Numéro: 2

Intervalle de pages: 55-59

ISBN: 978-2-9811863-6-2


Résumé: When disinformation reaches a stage where it is indistinguishable from reality, protecting oneself is no longer sufficient. The manipulation must be curbed through exercising one’s own agency. Our societies need a generation of active agents, digital citizens, who will protect their families, their communities, and gullible social media users in their networks. In this article we first present the deepfake phenomenon an emerging generation of disinformation powered by unethical uses of digital media, big data, and artificial intelligence. Deepfakes are spread through social media, with an alarming weaponizing potential. Subsequently, we describe promising attempts and educational initiatives to deal with it. Finally, we summarize pedagogical experiences we designed to help youth develop resilience to deepfakes and agency to counterbalance them. Our project is funded by a joint initiative between Canadian Heritage and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)