Experiential trajectory change in the approach angle of family-school collaboration in the context of Learning assessment practices

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2018 ,9 Février )

Titre des actes: International Society for Cultural-Historical Activity Research (ISCAR)

Intervalle de pages: 94

URL: http://www.iscar17.ulaval.ca/sites/iscar17.ulaval.ca/files/book_of_abstracts_feb2018.pdf

Résumé: In this paper, we propose to revisit the data of the four studies that were realized within our research program on Family-School Collaboration in the Context of Learning Assessment Practices (Deslandes, 2007-2011). The program aimed at: 1) identifying parents’ needs in relation to learning assessments and 2) piloting tools or workshops for parents. Through the description of the studies, we ask ourselves as potential transformative agents and in light of our current theoretical and methodological lenses, how would we make sense of the findings and of the actions that were put forward? The first study using quantitative data aimed at identifying parents’ views of their needs regarding learning assessments. The second one employed a qualitative approach to obtain educators’ perceptions of parents’ needs. A third one developed information leaflets for parents, and a fourth one used the experiential learning approach to conduct workshops with parents. Drawing on Engeström’s Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) (2001) and the Change Laboratory method anchored in the Expansive Learning Theory (Engeström, 2015), we engage in an experiential trajectory change as researchers to approach and analyze the data. We indulge ourselves with wearing new lenses and engage in experimenting the early phases of the expansive learning circle through questioning, criticising our interpretations and the activities that followed, analyzing and envisioning new activities. We question the added value of the theory-model combination in deepening our understanding of f-s-c in the context of learning assessment. We also reflect on the development of our own agency as researchers.

Théorie de l'activité: