Law N., Teo C., Laferrière T.
(2019 , Mai).
International Comparative Design-based Innovation Networks: Tension Resolution as Design Challenge.
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
Law N., Teo C., Laferrière T.
(2018 , Mai).
Refining design principles for scalable innovation networks through international comparative analysis of innovation learning architectures.
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, États-Unis.
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Allaire S., Breuleux A., Hamel C., Law N., Montané M., Hernandez O., Turcotte S., Scardamalia M., Looi C., Teh L.
The Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP): Scaling up Professional Development for Effective Uses of Collaborative Technologies.
Sustaining and Scaling Educational Innovations
( p.255-276 )
, États-Unis
: Springer
Laferrière T., Breuleux A., Dede C., Law N.
(2015 , Janvier).
Scalability at the System Level Through a Shared Problem and Partnership Across Levels.
American Educational Research Association (AERA), États-Unis.
Chapitre de livre
Law N., Laferrière T., Suthers D., Lund K., Rose C., Teplovs C., Law N.
Multivocality in interaction analysis: implications for practice.
Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions
( p.523-544 )
: Springer
Laferrière T., Law N.
(2013 , Mai).
The fragility of innovation in enriched and impoverished school settings.
xx, San Francisco, États-Unis.
Articles de revue
Laferrière T., Law N., Montané M.
An International Knowledge Building Network for Sustainable Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation.
International Education Studies,
doi: 10.5539/ies.v5n3p148.
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Hamel C., Allaire S.
Reflective practice on online collaborative learning and knowledge building in campus-based teacher education courses.
9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference
(p.900-901).: International Society of the Learning Sciences & Center for Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kong.
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Perreault C., Boutin P., Law N., Yuen J., Montané M., Lopez O., Boluda P., Blancafort M.
Knowledge Building International Project: Designs for Deep Understanding.
Connecting computer-supported collaborative learning to policy and practice: CSCL 2011
(p.1178-1181).University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Chine: International Society of the Learning Sciences & Center for Information Technology in Education.
Laferrière T., Law N., Montané M.
(2010 , Janvier).
An international knowledge building network for sustainable curriculum and pedagogical innovation.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du Congrès annuel de l'American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, États-Unis.
Laferrière T., Law N.
(2009 , Janvier).
Teacher Education for Knowledge Creation: The Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP).
Communication présentée dans le cadre de la 34th annual conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Majorque.