Laferrière T., Montané M., Scardamalia M., Valle J., Boix R., Mayora P., Liesa E., Camacho M.
(2016 , Janvier).
International-local teacher education networking for knowledge building innovation workshop.
Fourth Biennial International Conference Innovation in Teacher Education within a Global Context. World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE), Barcelona, Espagne .
Chapitre de livre
Laferrière T., Allaire S., Breuleux A., Hamel C., Law N., Montané M., Hernandez O., Turcotte S., Scardamalia M., Looi C., Teh L.
The Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP): Scaling up Professional Development for Effective Uses of Collaborative Technologies.
Sustaining and Scaling Educational Innovations
( p.255-276 )
, États-Unis
: Springer
Articles de revue
Laferrière T., Law N., Montané M.
An International Knowledge Building Network for Sustainable Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation.
International Education Studies,
doi: 10.5539/ies.v5n3p148.
Article de colloque
Laferrière T., Perreault C., Boutin P., Law N., Yuen J., Montané M., Lopez O., Boluda P., Blancafort M.
Knowledge Building International Project: Designs for Deep Understanding.
Connecting computer-supported collaborative learning to policy and practice: CSCL 2011
(p.1178-1181).University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Chine: International Society of the Learning Sciences & Center for Information Technology in Education.
Laferrière T., Montané M.
(2011 , Janvier).
National/regional initiatives to build professional capacity of teachers to undertake sustainable pedagogical innovations.
Communication présentée à l'Université de pédagogie de Pékin, Pékin, Chine.
Montané M., Laferrière T.
(2011 , Janvier).
Knowledge Building: International Dynamics, Partnerships, and Strategies.
Communication présentée à la Rencontre annuelle de l'Association for Teachers Educators, Orlando, États-Unis.
Laferrière T., Montané M.
(2010 , Janvier).
The Remote Networked Schools project in Quebec and the COMconèixer project in Catalonia: Two knowledge building projects with an international strand to develop 21st century competencies.
Communication présentée dans le cadre de la World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education First Bi-annual Conference, Chicago, États-Unis.
Laferrière T., Law N., Montané M.
(2010 , Janvier).
An international knowledge building network for sustainable curriculum and pedagogical innovation.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du Congrès annuel de l'American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, États-Unis.