Menand V., Clément M., April J.
Context of parental violence: What are the parental support intentions of early childhood educators and how are they determined? .
ISPCAN congress 2022, Québec, Canada.
Articles de revue
Menand V., Clément M., April J.
Early childhood educator’s intention to provide support in the context of parental violence: the contribution of the theory of planned behavior.
Journal of early childhood teacher education,
Lehrer J., Duval S., Menand V.
(2019 , Juin).
Informal social support during the transition from childcare to school: Mapping children’s, mothers’, and educators’ experiences and perspectives.
Transitions as a tool for change, Université de Strathclyde, Glasgow, Écosse.
Lehrer J., Duval S., Menand V.
(2019 , Juin).
Challenging western norms in kindergarten transition practices; a collaborative approach to transitions with families walking in two worlds.
Congrès annuel de la Société Canadienne de l'étude de l'éducation, Université de Bristish Colombia, Vancouver, Canada.
Menand V., Lehrer J., Duval S.
(2019 , Janvier).
Organizing a transition activity: Narrative of a mother in childcare.
12e congrès de la European Research Network About Parents in Education, Gdansk, Pologne.
Chapitre de livre
Lehrer J., Leboeuf M., Menand V., Charron A., Lehrer J., Boudreau M., Jacob É.
La coéducation et le partenariat entre les personnes enseignantes et les parents.
L’éducation préscolaire au Québec : fondements théoriques et pédagogiques
, Québec, Canada
: Presses de l'Université du Québec