Point de vue des directions et des directions adjointes d’établissement du réseau scolaire public québécois sur la dynamique de prise de décision en contexte de crise au moment de la première vague de la COVID-19

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2023 )

Nom de la revue: Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy

Numéro: 202

Intervalle de pages: 84-97

URL: https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/74204

Résumé: The crisis of the COVID-19 is presented as a rupture event likely to have a structuring impact on the Quebec school system. What are the political and pedagogical issues that emerge from the management of this crisis in the Quebec school system, from the point of view of school principals, key players in school governance? Our study is part of the theoretical field of educational policy analysis. The analysis of scientific literature, the monitoring of current events in the education sector and the conduct of semi-directed interviews with school principals are the research strategies used to map out the events and measures related to the management of the crisis in the Quebec school system from February 2020 to August 2020. We discuss the reported impact of these events and measures on school organization and learning. We present some findings that relate to organizational learning. Keywords: gestion de crise en milieu scolaire, prise de décision, politique et administration scolaire, analyse des politiques éducatives, gouvernance scolaire, directions et directions adjointes d’établissement scolaire public

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