État de publication: Publiée (2022 )
Nom de la revue: Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheur.e.s en éducation
Volume: 13
Numéro: 1
Intervalle de pages: 80-90
Résumé: In Quebec, many teachers took the responsibility of a full-time 4-year-old preschool class since the last years. This new situation makes necessary a reflection about the needs specific to the initial and continuing education of these teachers. However, few studies have until now documented the training needs of the teachers who work there. This article offers a reflection on the needs specific to the continuing education of full-time 4-year-old preschool teachers in the light of the results of eight studies whose research subject was related to full-time 4-year-old preschool in Quebec. Moreover, the issues to be considered to improve the continuing education of these teachers are discussed. Keywords: full-time 4-year-old preschool, teachers’ training; training needs, issues of teachers’ training; teachers
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