The CEGEPS: A Great Collective Adventure for Québec



État de publication: Publiée (2011 )

Éditeur: Association des cadres des collèges du Québec (ACCQ)

Lieu: Québec, Canada

Nombre de pages: 136

Résumé: As the CEGEP system prepares to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its founding, and after having been taken to task more than once, it was high time to show, through a work of this type, that the original model of an institution of higher learning such as the CEGEP may serve as an inspiration for the future – and has a great future itself. Thus, after the major success of the first edition in 2006 and the second, in 2008, we are very pleased to publish, this time, an off-print English version of a number of texts from these publications.

Théorie de l'activité: