Articles de revue
Tremblay-Wragg É., Mathieu-C. S., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Déri C., Gadbois M.
Writing more, better, together: how writing retreats support graduate students through their journey.
The Journal of Further and Higher Education,
Articles de revue
Mourra G., Sénécal S., Fredette F., Lepore F., Faubert J., Bellavance F., Cameron A., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Léger P.
Using a smartphone while walking: the cost of smartphone-addiction proneness.
Addictive Behaviors,
Articles de revue
Labonté-Lemoyne É., Jutras M., Léger P., Sénécal S., Frédette M., Begon M., Mathieu M.
Does Reducing Sedentarity With Standing Desks Hinder Cognitive Performance?.
The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
Articles de revue
Courtemanche F., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Léger P., Frédette M., Sénécal S., Cameron A., Faubert J., Bellavance F.
Texting while walking: an expensive switch cost.
Accident Analysis & Prevention,
Articles de revue
Dupont F., Léger P., Begon M., Lecot F., Sénécal S., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Mathieu M.
Health and productivity at work: which active workstation for which benefits: a systematic review.
Occup Environ Med,
doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105397.
Articles de revue
Josaphat K., Kugathasan T., Reid R., Begon M., Léger P., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S., Arvisais D., Mathieu M.
Use of Active Workstations in Individuals with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review.
Articles de revue
Bastien Tardif C., Cantin M., Sénécal S., Léger P., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Begon M., Mathieu M.
Implementation of Active Workstations in University Libraries - A Comparison of Portable Pedal Exercise Machines and Standing Desks.
Int. J. of Env. Research and Public Health,
Articles de revue
Courtemanche F., Léger P., Dufresne A., Frédette M., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S.
Physiological heatmaps: a tool for visualizing users’ emotional reactions.
Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Article de colloque
Pourchon R., Léger P., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S., Bellavance F., Frédette M., Courtemanche F.
Is augmented reality leading to more risky behaviors? An experiment with Pokemon Go.
International Conference on HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations
(p.354-361).: Springer.
Article de magazine
Mathieu-C. S., Tremblay-Wragg É., Gadbois M., Labonté-Lemoyne É.
Rédiger seuls-ensemble.
Découvrir #MagAcfas
Articles de revue
Labonté-Lemoyne É., Santhanam R., Léger P., Courtemanche F., Frédette M., Sénécal S.
The Delayed Effect of Treadmill Desk Usage on Recall and Attention.
Computers in Human Behavior,
Articles de revue
Charland P., Léger P., Sénécal S., Courtemanche F., Mercier J., Skelling Y., Labonté-Lemoyne É.
Assessing the Multiple Dimensions of Engagement to Characterize Learning: A Neurophysiological Perspective.
J. of Visualized Experiments,
doi: 10.3791/52627.
Chapitre de livre
Mathieu-C. S., Tremblay-Wragg É., Gadbois M., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Forget M.
Rédiger plus, mieux, ensemble : deux méthodes structurantes pour soutenir la rédaction académique.
Collectif Former à et par l’écriture du qualitatif
, Québec, Canada
: Presses Université Laval
Articles de revue
Léné P., Karran A., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S., Frédette M., Johnson K., Léger P.
Is there collaboration specific neurophysiological activation during collaborative task activity?.
Human Brain Mapping,