Articles de revue
Smith B., Ng-A-Fook N., Corrigan J.
Mobile(izing) educational research: Historical literacy, m-learning, and technopolitics.
McGill Journal of Education,
doi: doi:10.7202/1033548ar.
Articles de revue
Lévesque S., Ng-A-Fook N., Corrigan J.
What does the eye see? Reading online primary source photographs in history.
Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education,
Articles de revue
Corrigan J., Ng-A-Fook N., Lévesque S., Smith B.
Looking to the future to understand the past: A survey of pre-service history teachers’ digital and historical literacies.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy,
Articles de revue
Corrigan J., Ng-A-Fook N.
Mobilizing curriculum studies in a (virtual) world: Open Access, Edupunks, and the public good.
Canadian Journal of Education,