Articles de revue
Labonté-Lemoyne É., Jutras M., Léger P., Sénécal S., Frédette M., Begon M., Mathieu M.
Does Reducing Sedentarity With Standing Desks Hinder Cognitive Performance?.
The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
Articles de revue
Courtemanche F., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Léger P., Frédette M., Sénécal S., Cameron A., Faubert J., Bellavance F.
Texting while walking: an expensive switch cost.
Accident Analysis & Prevention,
Articles de revue
Courtemanche F., Léger P., Dufresne A., Frédette M., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S.
Physiological heatmaps: a tool for visualizing users’ emotional reactions.
Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Article de colloque
Pourchon R., Léger P., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S., Bellavance F., Frédette M., Courtemanche F.
Is augmented reality leading to more risky behaviors? An experiment with Pokemon Go.
International Conference on HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations
(p.354-361).: Springer.
Articles de revue
Labonté-Lemoyne É., Santhanam R., Léger P., Courtemanche F., Frédette M., Sénécal S.
The Delayed Effect of Treadmill Desk Usage on Recall and Attention.
Computers in Human Behavior,
Articles de revue
Léné P., Karran A., Labonté-Lemoyne É., Sénécal S., Frédette M., Johnson K., Léger P.
Is there collaboration specific neurophysiological activation during collaborative task activity?.
Human Brain Mapping,