Articles de revue
Dubois P., Guay F., St-Pierre M.
School-to-Work Transition of Youth with Learning Difficulties: The Role of Motivation and Autonomy Support.
Exceptional Children,
Dubois P., Guay F., St-Pierre M.
School-to-work transition and well-being: The role of autonomy support and self-determined motivation in adolescents and young adults with DLD.
Virtual IASCL 2021 Conference, En ligne.
Articles de revue
Dubois P., St-Pierre M., Desmarais C., Guay F.
Young Adults with Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review of Education, Employment, and Independent Living Outcomes.
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,
Dubois P., Guay F., St-Pierre M.
Les attentes des élèves du parcours de formation axé sur l’emploi présentant un trouble de langage et celles de leur enseignant face à leur insertion sur le marché du travail.
86e Congrès de l'ACFAS , Chicoutimi, Canada.
Articles de revue
Dubois P., Guay F., St-Pierre M.
School-to-Work Transition of Youth with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): The Role of Self-Determination and Autonomy Support.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,