Implementing collaborative and differenciated instruction in middle school

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2023 )

Titre du livre: Education and New Developments

Éditeur: Mafalda Carmo

Lieu: Lisboa, Portugal

Volume: 1

Intervalle de pages: 446-448

ISBN: 978-989-35106-3-6


Résumé: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced transformation in educational settings within a short period of time. Such transformation has led to significant changes in our educational settings not only for students and teachers but also for institutions as such. This implies the need for constant innovations within educational programs to prepare our society for dealing with complex and global issues. In such transformation, digital technologies play a key role in today’s classrooms and educational institutions are increasingly developing learning and teaching concepts that rely on the extensive use of such advanced digital technologies. This talk will focus on the key characteristics of transformation in our educational settings in the digital age. Then, the focus will shift towards how to integrate digital technologies in classrooms with particular emphasis on competencies that fit well with the digital age to enhance the process of teaching and learning. It will also focus on the key competencies that are crucial for students to acquire for dealing with complex issues and wicked problems in the digital age. This talk will also provide examples of active teaching methods and how they can be used in classrooms in line with the transformation of education in the digital age. Finally, the outlook of educational settings in the future will be discussed.

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