État de publication: Publiée (2022 )
Nom de la revue: Revue PhenÉPS/PHEnex Journal
Volume: 13
Numéro: 1
Résumé: Despite the 13 years of physical education and health (PEH) compulsory in Quebec, and the significant pool of knowledge related to physical inactivity, most young adults are insufficiently active. The objective of this study is to identify the reasons for physical inactivity among middle school students enrolled in the last PEH course, using an inductive method. The sample includes 1,230 respondents (639 active and 591 inactive) from 17 CEGEPs. The results point to lack of motivation and time as the main reasons for physical inactivity. Since active people identify the benefits they derive from PA as the main reason for being active, it is interesting to note the absence of these benefits from the discourse of inactive people. Although they have studied them throughout their PEH curriculum, inactive young adults may not see the benefits they could personally derive from them. Possible pedagogical interventions are discussed in this regard.
Mots clé(s):
Théorie de l'activité: