Articles de revue
Khechine H., Lakhal S., Pascot D., Bytha A.
UTAUT model for blended learning: the role of gender and age in the intention to use webinars.
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects,
Article de colloque
Lakhal S., Khechine H., Pascot D.
Academic Students’ Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in a HyFlex Course: Do Delivery Modes Matter?.
Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning
(p.1075-1083).: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Articles de revue
Khechine H., Lakhal S., Pascot D.
University Students’ Perception of the Pedagogical Use of Podcasts: A Case Study of an Online Information System Course.
Journal Of Education And Training Studies,
Articles de revue
Lakhal S., Khechine H., Pascot D.
Student behavioural intentions to use desktop video conferencing in a distance course: integration of autonomy to the UTAUT model.
Journal of Computing in Higher Education,
Articles de revue
Khechine H., Lakhal S., Pascot D.
Efficacité du Podcasting en enseignement et apprentissage : Résultats empiriques pour un cours donné en formule mixte.
Systèmes d'information & management,