Articles de revue
Gulfi A., Piérart G., Scozzari E., Desmarais C., Tétreault S., Lindsay S.
Les professionnels du champ du handicap dans leur travail auprès des familles migrantes : une étude en Suisse romande.
Revue Éducation comparée,
Articles de revue
King G., Desmarais C., Lindsay S., Piérart G., Tétreault S.
The roles of effective communication and client engagement in delivering culturally sensitive care to immigrant parents of children with disabilities.
Disability and Rehabilitation,
doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.972580..
Articles de revue
Fellin M., Desmarais C., Lindsay S.
An examination of clinicians' experiences of collaborative culturally competent service delivery to immigrant families raising a child with a physical disability.
Disability and rehabilitation,
Articles de revue
Lindsay S., Tétreault S., King G., Desmarais C., Piérart G.
Social workers experiences of providing culturally sensitive care to immigrant families in pediatric rehabilitation.
Health & Social Work,
doi: 10.1093/hsw/hlu009.
Articles de revue
Lindsay S., Tétreault S., Desmarais C., King G., Piérart G.
The cultural brokerage work of occupational therapists in providing culturally sensitive care.
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy,