Inclusion and exclusion factors in adult education of youth with a low educational level in Spain

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults

Volume: 6

Numéro: 1

Intervalle de pages: 9-23

ISBN: 2000-7426


Résumé: In this paper we analyse, from a biographical perspective, youth participation in education and training, aged between 26 and 28 years, who have no qualifications or at most have a qualification corresponding to the Lower Secondary Education Certificate (LSEC) (ISCED 0-2), during the 10 years elapsed between the end of compulsory education (2000) and the time of the interview (2010). As regards their personal life stories, we cover a broad period which includes different stages in the transition into adulthood, stages which take place in a historical context in which we have moved from a time characterised by ease of access to employment among youth with a low educational level to another time in which youth unemployment levels affects over half of the workforce aged 16 to 24 and in which public policies supporting training and social and professional insertion of young people with a low educational level have been reduced.

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