Links between musical learning and reading for first to third grade students: A literature review

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2012 )

Nom de la revue: International journal of humanities and social science

Volume: 1

Numéro: 7

Intervalle de pages: 109-118

ISBN: 2221-0989


Résumé: An increasing amount of studies has put forward the various links between musical learning and other nonmusical learning domains. Music also appears to be an effective way to improve reading abilities of children at the onset of the elementary level. This literature review presents results from seventeen studies investigating the link between musical learning and reading among first to third graders. Three correlational and fourteen quasi experimental studies are presented. Results from these studies indicate an undeniable link between musical learning and reading. However, the nature of the link between these two variables is not clearly defined given the varying results of the quasi-experimental studies. This disparity also makes it impossible to establish a strong causal relationship between music training and reading.

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